Export Furniture from indonesia
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) stated that Indonesia’s Furniture Exports reached Rp 28.6 Trillion or the equivalent of USD 1.99 Billion, and the United States became the largest market today. This is because Indonesian furniture has been known for its unique characteristics and the use of quality wood. In addition, the combination of environmentally friendly materials makes it very popular with the international community such as in Europe, America, Asia, and Africa.
With the improvement and standardization of Indonesian furniture exports, the Indonesian Minister of Trade establishes laws that are quite clear and standard. This is stipulated in Regulation of the minister of trade Indonesia No. 74 Year 2020 regarding the terms of export of forestry industry products.

We review the regulations in the applicable ministerial regulations, as follows:
- Whereas as an export-import requirement in Indonesia, business actors are required to show V-Legal originating from LVLK or which is as proof of wood legality guarantor.
- Every business engaged in industry in Indonesia is required to have a business entity that can be proven by ownership of a Business Identification Number (NIB), Industry Register, and Industrial Business Permit.
- For business in Indonesia in trading, they are required to have a Trading Business Permit.
- Then as a verification stage before shipment or export takes place, the local government will check the product based on; Type of wood, the number of goods, brand, and packaging, to loading with container seals.
The above is part of a brief explanation of the technical export of Indonesian furniture, but for more details, you can also download the laws and regulations at the following link.